
SinoSwiss Holding is actively engaged in a variety of investment projects. These currently include both direct private equity investments and licenses for the operation of established businesses.

The overall strategy of SinoSwiss is the creation of a bridge between Asia and Switzerland and thus diversify the business and investment area of the investor. The strategic system established by SinoSwiss Holding, actively works with Swiss companies throughout the whole process of establishing themselves in asian markets. 


A Switzerland-based team to provide Swiss start-ups and SMEs with local points of contact and advisors.


The generation of Sino-swiss partnerships with a guarantee to focus on sustainability.

Business model

A business model which is not reliant on fees charged for establishing a JV or other partnership.


Ongoing facilitation in communication between asian and Swiss management teams and comprehensive consultancy on operations.


A Switzerland-based team to provide Swiss start-ups and SMEs with local points of contact and advisors.


The generation of Sino-swiss partnerships with a guarantee to focus on sustainability.

Business model

A business model which is not reliant on fees charged for establishing a JV or other partnership.


Ongoing facilitation in communication between asian and Swiss management teams and comprehensive consultancy on operations.